We are proud to announce that attendees of the PPSUP Conference can meet representatives of the following organizations at the Conference! In the meantime, please click on their logo below to view their website for further information on the important work they do.

Karis Support Society, located in Kelowna, BC, is a non-profit organization dedicated to providing shelter, support, and resources to women and children experiencing homelessness and domestic violence.
Located in Metro Vancouver, the Union Gospel Mission is a charitable organization providing meals, education, shelter, safe and affordable housing, drug and alcohol recovery programs, and support services to those struggling with homelessness and addiction in Canada.
The goal of the program is to increase healthy birth outcomes for Indigenous families by removing the cost barrier to accessing doula services.
VCH/Sheway's Program Model is based on the recognition that the health of women and their children is linked to the conditions of their lives and their ability to influence these conditions. Services are provided in response to the needs of pregnant and parenting women.
Located in Metro Vancouver, TWC’s mission is to educate and support people and their families who struggle with the challenges of substance misuse and desire a new life in recovery. TWC is one of Canada's leading treatment centres where people can truly begin to create change in their lives and rebuild their family relationships.
The BC Association for Pregnancy Outreach Programs is a registered charity that is widely recognized for its support, advocacy, and leadership to improve outcomes for pregnant, postpartum, and newly parenting people and their infants.